Wisdom Teeth Removal in Perth

Removal of wisdom teeth is a common dental procedure when patients have wisdom teeth pain, swelling, tooth decay or there is simply not enough room for the wisdom teeth to come through.

Wisdom teeth can cause discomfort and trouble for some young adults in their late teens and early twenties. In some cases, wisdom tooth removal may be the best solution to address pain, infections, and potential complications.

At Banksia Grove Family Dental, we can assess and extract your wisdom teeth before they start to cause more problems. If you’re experiencing wisdom tooth pain or discomfort, our caring team is here to help.

Dr Huupponen BDSc(WA) (Hons) has extracted tens of thousands of wisdom teeth for his patients for more than 15 years. Graduating from the University of Western Australia in 2001, Dr Huupponen receives regular referrals from other dentists and patients for the removal of wisdom teeth. In addition, he continues to provide wisdom teeth removal for patients at Kalgoorlie Regional Hospital. His knowledge and experience in wisdom teeth removal have already helped thousands of patients with wisdom teeth pain.

Don’t let wisdom teeth cause unnecessary discomfort or future dental issues. At Banksia Grove Family Dental, we’re dedicated to ensuring your dental health and overall wellbeing. If you have concerns about your wisdom teeth, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. Our friendly team is ready to assist you and guide you through the best course of action.

Please call (08) 9205 9500 to organise an appointment if you have wisdom teeth concerns.